PinnedOn ‘Experts’, ‘Expertise’ and ‘Expatriates’The inability of Sri Lankan citizens, including academics and scholars, to properly engage with critical issues on time presents a risk to…Jan 21Jan 21
PinnedOf Weeds and MenIn this short article, I wish to reiterate something I have been promoting for about 20 years, and that is — “Weed Literacy” and…Jan 21Jan 21
PinnedSeeing ‘Weeds’ with new EyesMarcel Proust, once said: “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes.” I suggest we look at…Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
We MUST be More Engaged: Climate Change Effects are Unlikely to be Kind!The inability of Sri Lankan citizens to engage properly with critical issues on time presents the greatest of risks to the society…Jan 21Jan 21
The Only Way Forward — STEM Research & Development — For A Productive, Future Sri Lanka — Colombo…Sri Lanka will have elections soon. In fact, right now, the country is engulfed and is swirling in the vortex of election fervour. People…Jun 27, 2024Jun 27, 2024
Shakespeare and WeedsWilliam Shakespeare’s genius in the 16th Century gave life to the word and its meaning for perpetuity. Many of the great bard’s plays have…Feb 13, 2023Feb 13, 2023
“WEEDY BY NAME ONLY, NOT WEEDY BY NATURE” — A NEW BOOK on WEEDS AND HUMANSThey are a critical component of Mother Earth’s rich biodiversity. As frugal, thrifty and simple beings, which never ask for too much but…Jan 11, 2023Jan 11, 2023
The Opium Poppy and relatives: Great ‘Weeds’ in every sense!Globally, no other plant comes anywhere near the importance of the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) of the Family: Papaveraceae, as a…Mar 14, 2021Mar 14, 2021
A Journey to Mannar and the ‘Dancing Islands’ -2The following narrative is Part 2 of a personal reflection on a visit I made to Mannar, Sri Lanka, in December 2011, accompanied by three…Feb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021